Entering Leave Taken in the Timesheet - Payroll Portal

This article shows how to enter leave taken in the current timesheet if it was not requested in the Leave Section of the Payroll Portal.

Updated: July 2024

You can use the pay type menu in the timesheet to submit leave you took during your pay week. Entering leave you took in the timesheet will ensure that you are paid correctly for this leave and that your leave balances are updated. This will show up in the Leave Section for the employer or team leader to approve.

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Please Note: Always request leave for a future date from the Leave Section in the Payroll Portal. Leave approved there will pull through to your timesheets so you don’t have to remember what was approved long ago. 

*Timesheet pay type leave entries are just for "on the spot" leave that did not go through the Leave Section approval.

Timesheets can be filled and submitted by:

This Team's Team Leaders (on behalf of a team member)
Any Admin User (on behalf of an employee)
This Employee (own timesheet)
Another Employee (someone else's timesheet)

*Follow this link if you don't know where to find timesheets in the Payroll Portal.

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Leave taken is entered in the same way as hours worked in the timesheet. Simply select the type of leave from the pay type menu.

*A time gap indicates an unpaid break.


Let's look at an example timesheet in the Payroll Portal:

In the Timesheet:

Portal Employee Add Leave

  1. Click on the day for which you want to record hours of leave you took. 
  2. Click the ‘Add Time’ button.
  3. Select the type of leave you took from the dropdown menu. 
    1. If you took different forms of leave they must be added separately. Enter them one after the other like in Timesheet Example C for time entry.
  4. Enter the start time and end time for this leave entry.
  5. Enter notes to your employer or manager here if desired.
  6. Click the ‘Add’ button to record this leave in your timesheet.
  7. On your timesheet for the day, you will see the entry displayed as the type of leave you took. E.g Sick leave
  8. Review the total hours to ensure these are correct. The timesheet automatically counts all the entries for the day together to show the day total here
  • To enter another time entry for this day, click the ‘Add Time’ button as you did in step 2.
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If you leave this Portal without pressing the ‘Submit Now’ button, your data will be there the next time you log in.

The Payroll Portal saves all entries automatically.

Updating timesheets with unforeseen stuff is easy in the Payroll Portal!
Next step: Reviewing the timesheet as a whole.