Reviewing Employee Leave Requests - Payroll Portal

Leave requests should be reviewed in the Leave Area of the Payroll Portal. This article shows you how everything you need is right here!

Updated: July 2024

To ensure that approved leave prepopulate timesheets, leave requests should be reviewed and approved in the Leave Area of the Payroll Portal.
Let's look at how to do this. 

Info - Blue Block (1)Leave balances displayed in the Payroll Portal are form the latest processed pay. Any future leave approved do not impact these balances as they have not been taken yet.

Leave Requests can be reviewed by:

This Team's Team Leaders
Any Admin User
Another Employee

Let's look at an example leave request submitted in the Payroll Portal:

From the ‘Review Leave Requests’ page, click on the leave request you want to review. This will open their submitted request where you will find the following:

Portal2 Admin LeaveReview

  1. The employee whose leave you are reviewing.
  2. This employee’s current Annual Leave balances are shown here. This is the balance from the last processed pay. 
  3. This employee’s sick leave balance is shown here as per the last processed pay.
  4. Any alternative leave balance is shown here as per the last processed pay.
  5. This area shows the leave requested:
    1. The type of leave (e.g. alt leave)
    2. The dates and times (e.g. 1 day for Monday 24 June 2024)
  6. The leave request status is displayed here.
    1. Note: this will update as you approve/decline the request. Your employee will see this status.
  7. Notes show what your employee wrote as additional information.
  8. Review Notes: Use this field to enter notes you want the employee to see.
  9. Approve or decline the request here.

That's it!
Everything you need to review a leave request at a glance in the Payroll Portal.
Next step: Approving/Declining the Leave Request.