Requesting Leave - Payroll Portal

Using the Leave Request Section in the Portal ensures that approved leave is pulled into future timesheets. Here's how this section works.

Updated: July 2024

Keeping a handle on employee leave is easy in the Payroll Portal. The Leave Request section has everything you need to make informed decisions:

  • Employee leave requests with status displayed
  • Easy navigation with leave type and employee selections
  • Employee leave balances as per the last processed pay.
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Always request and manage leave for a future date from this Leave Section in the Payroll Portal. Leave approved here will pull through to timesheets so you don’t have to remember what was approved long ago. 

If you use the pay type menu in the timesheet to submit leave taken during the pay week, it will also show up here to be approved. However, this leave will not pull through to future timesheets. Only leave requested in the Leave Sections does that.

Leave Requests can be entered and submitted by:

This Team's Team Leaders (on behalf of a team member)
Any Admin User (on behalf of an employee)
This Employee (own leave request)
Another Employee (someone else's leave request)


Here's where to go to request leave:

Doing your own Leave Request:  

Doing a Leave Request on behalf of:
Use the dashboard or side Portal Menu

Use the side Portal MenuSide Portal Menu



Click on the 'My leave' button found under My Tasks on your dashboard and the Portal Menu.

This will open your leave requests and balances area.

  • As a Team Leader:

Portal2 LeadMyTeamOnBehalfOfClick on the 'Team Members' button found under My Team in the side Portal Menu.

This will open the My Team area where you can pick the team member to request leave on behalf of.

 Click the 'Request Leave' button at the bottom of your My Leave Screen.

Portal2_RequestLeaveButtonThis will open the 'RequestLeave' window seen below.


  • As an Admin User:

Portal2 AdminMyEmployeesOnBehalfOf

Click on the 'Employee List' button found under Portal Settings in the side Portal Menu.

This will open the Employee List area where you can pick the employee to request leave on behalf of.

Let's look at completing a Leave Request in the Payroll Portal.

In the Request Leave window you will see the following areas:

Portal2 Employee LeaveRequest

  1. Select the type of leave you want from the dropdown menu:
    Portal2 Employee LeaveMenus
  2. If taking a part day, toggle on this Partial Day Toggle. It will take you to a time-entry screen similar to timesheet time entries.
    1. If taking a full day, leave this toggled off (light grey)
  3. Click here to select your start day from the calendar.
  4. Click here to select your end date from the calendar.
  5. Type any notes regarding this leave request.
    1. It is good practice to repeat the leave request in short
      1. e.g. Taking 3 days of annual leave for my family holiday trip.
  6. Press the ‘Submit’ button to submit this request for approval.
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If you leave this Portal without pressing the ‘Submit Now’ button, your data will be there the next time you log in.

The Payroll Portal saves all entries automatically as Drafts.

Managing leave is easy in the Payroll Portal!
Next step: Reviewing this Leave Request for approval.