Approving Leave Requests - Payroll Portal

Approving leave requests in the Leave Area is so simple, plus it will prepopulate the future timesheet. This article shows you what to do.

Updated: July 2024

Leave requests approved in this Leave Area of the Payroll Portal will act as ‘master leave’ and prepopulate the future timesheet they apply to. 

Leave Requests can be approved by:

This Team's Team Leaders
Any Admin User
Another Employee

Let's look at an example leave request submitted in the Payroll Portal:

In the Review Leave Request page, navigate down to the approval buttons at the bottom of the screen:

Portal2 Admin_ Approve Leave Prompt

  1. You can use the ‘Review Notes’ area to enter notes you want the employee to see. This will show up with the status update in the Employee’s Payroll Portal. 
  2. Click on the ‘Approve’ button to approve this leave request.
  3. A pop-up message will ask you to confirm your approval.
    1. Click ‘Approve’ to approve the leave request
    2. Click ‘Cancel’ to return to the leave request. You did not decline this request. It is still there in the submitted state as before. You can select to approve or decline the request as usual.
  4. In the Review Leave Requests page, this request’s status will show as ‘Approved’. The employee will also see the status change in their Portal.

Approving leave requests in the Payroll Portal is that easy!
This leave will now automatically show on the future timesheet.