Inviting New Admin Users or Remove Admin Access to the Payroll Portal

Manage Admin User access with the click of a button. Read on to see how easy it really is.

Updated: July 2024

'Manage Users' in the side Portal Menu under Portal Settings, gives Admin Users the ability to view and manage other Admin User's Payroll Portal access.

Info - Blue Block (1)As all Admin Users can see the list of Admins, it is easy to keep a handle on who has Admin User status.

* Regular monitoring and clean-up of this list is advisable.


Admin Users can be invited to or removed from the Payroll Portal by:

Team Leaders
Any Admin User
A Regular Employee

Let's see how to manage Admin User Portal access:


  1. This is your current list of Payroll Admin Users. Click on an Admin to open their information screen.
  2. This is the Admin User's email address - check that this is correct. This is where the magic link for Portal Access is sent.
  3. This button will change their access to the Portal: 
    1. Remove Access - means that you have removed their Payroll Admin status and that the person can no longer access the Payroll Portal.
      1. If this person remains an employee, they will remain on the employee's list. Invite them to the Portal with a new magic link generated from the 'Employee List'.
  4. Click here to invite a New Admin User to the Portal.
    1. Note: A Payroll Admin doesn't have to be an employee. It can be an external person like a bookkeeper for instance. 
  5. Complete the details of the Payroll Admin to be invited. Make sure the email is correct - this is where their magic link is sent.
  6. Click this button to approve Admin status for this user and send the magic link invite.

    That's super useful!
    Easy to see who has Payroll Admin access to your account, isn't it?!