For reporting purposes, you may want the day you fund your pay and the subsequent pay day to fall in the same financial year. Read this article to see what you can do to have them both fall in the 2023/2024 financial year.
Updated: January 2024
In this article
Your pay funding date and employee pay date - are they in different financial years?
Depending on your typical pay day, you might find that you transfer your deposit to Thankyou Payroll in the current financial year (FY23-24), but your staff are paid in the next financial year (FY24-25). Here is a possible example of how this could happen using the 1-day plan:
As Saturday 30th March and Tuesday 2nd April are not available pay days, the system will move the pay day out to the next available pay day - Wednesday 3rd April.
If you want the day you fund your pay to Thankyou Payroll and the day your staff are paid to sit within the current 2023/2024 financial year, there is a simple solution. You just need to bring forward your pay date so that it is in the current financial year, not the next.
So in the example above, the pay date has to be moved to 29th March at the latest to ensure that both transactions and the corresponding pay day filing fall within the same financial year.
This is especially important to note as Easter falls over this end-of-financial-year period. Thankyou Payroll will be closed over Easter, so we will not be processing same-day pays on Good Friday or Easter Monday.
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If your pay day falls on either Saturday 30th March or Tuesday 2nd April, you have to adjust this pay to ensure that both pay funding and pay day fall within the current financial year (FY23-24), or your pay day will be bumped to Wednesday 3rd April.
Follow this link to look at pay processing over Easter and for direct debit options.
*If you want both the funding and pay day to fall within the next financial year (FY24-25), fund your pay on Tuesday 2nd April for a pay day of Wednesday 3rd April.
How to change your pay day to the current 2023/2024 financial year.
Log in to your Thankyou Payroll account and select Create a New Pay or update the pay already on the dashboard. Update the pay day to no later than 29 March 2024.
- Left-click on the calendar icon next to the pay day box.
- Select the pay day from the calendar.
- Your blue 'we'll pay' box will move to the selected date.
- Select your preferred pay processing plan for this pay from the processing menu.
- Your green 'you deposit' box will move to indicate when you have to fund this pay as per your choice of plan.
Pro tip: The last pay day in the 2023/2024 financial year is 29th March 2024 for the pay period ending on Sunday 31st March 2024. If your pay day is after this date, the pay will be moved to the next week and the filing for this pay will fall within the next financial year (FY24-25). |
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If you pay fortnightly or monthly and part of your pay period falls in the next financial year (FY24-25 starting on 1 April 2024) you will need to split the pay and create two separate pays with different funding- and pay dates to process each financial year's transaction separately. * The second pay must be funded on or after 2nd April to keep the funding, pay day and filing in the same financial year. |
Here is an example to make things easier:
Best Bakery uses Thankyou Payroll's 2-day plan and pays their staff on a Saturday.
In 2024, this means they would deposit their payroll funds on Wednesday 27 March 2024 and their staff would be paid on Saturday 30 March 2024. As this is an Easter weekend and Saturday is not an available pay day, their pay day has been moved to the next available date, Wednesday 3rd April 2024.
The owners of Best Bakery do not want this pay to straddle the financial year, for reporting purposes. They want their staff to be paid by 31st March 2024, so that this pay day falls within the current financial year.
This means, the owners of Best Bakery need to log in to their Thankyou Payroll account, and:
- Select Friday 29 March 2024 as the pay day.
- If they wish to use the 2-day plan,
- they will need to deposit funds for the payroll by 10 pm on Tuesday 26 March 2024.
They pay their staff weekly, so their pay period ends on Sunday 31st March 2024. They do not need to split this pay run.
Helpful links for further reading
Did you know: For more information on how to run a smooth End of Financial Year Payroll, check out our End of Financial Year Guide.
- If you are giving EOFY bonuses, this article has key information to help ensure your bonuses are paid and filed within this financial year. Have a look.
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