Turning Off a Portal Feature Previously Used

This article explains what happens when you toggle off the Timesheets or Leave Request features for an employee after they have been using it.

Updated: October 2024

Things change and your processes might as well. If you need to turn off a Portal feature your employee has been using, you can do so in their Employee Information Screen where you gave them access to this feature originally. 

It is important to understand what will happen to your data when you deactivate this feature access. Let's break it down:

Timesheet and/or Leave Request features can be added or removed to an Employee's Access by:

Team Leaders
Any Admin User
A Regular Employee

*Please note: All Admin Users can see and manage the full employee list and their feature access.

Take Care - Red BlockWhen you toggle off the Timesheets or Leave Requests feature for an employee, any *unapproved requests are permanently deleted. They will not re-appear when you turn this feature on again.

*Unapproved requests include all Drafted and Submitted timesheets and leave requests. Approved and Declined requests remain in the employee's history.

I am deactivating Leave Requests for this employee. They will only use the Timesheets feature to log their work hours.


Disabled Feature Message

the employee will see in their Portal

Portal_LeaveRequests Switched Off_Employee

  • When the employee clicks on My Leave Requests, they will see a message that this feature has not been activated.
    • If you want to view the already-approved leave history, this feature must be toggled on again.
  • The employee can only log leave taken through the pay types menu in their timesheet.
  • The timesheet IMPORT function will import this timesheet to Thankyou Payroll for finalising.

I am deactivating Timesheets for this employee. They will only use the Leave Requests feature in their Portal.


Disabled Feature Message

the employee will see in their Portal

Portal_Timesheets SwitchedOff Message_Employee


  • When the employee clicks on My Timesheets, they will see a message that this feature has not been activated. 
    • If you want to view the already-approved timesheet history, this feature must be toggled on again.

I am removing Payroll Portal access completely from this employee. They will no longer be able to generate timesheets or leave requests through the Portal.

EmployeeInfo_Invite To Portal_AdminNav

No Employee Payroll Portal Access

(until the Admin clicks the
'Invite To Portal' Button and the secure link is sent)

  • Do this for Admin-only Portal use: If you as Admin want to use the Portal for this employee's timesheets and/or leave requests on behalf - keep their features selected, but do not invite them to the Portal.
    • The employee won't be able to view the Payroll Portal.
    • Admin Users will still see this employee's timesheet and leave request history if toggled on.
    • Admin Users can complete timesheets and request leave on behalf of this employee if functions are toggled on.
    • The IMPORT function to Thankyou Payroll will work as usual.
    • The employee just won't see the request status, notes or receive emails from the Portal as they do not have access.

There you have it! Portal access and features within your control.
Easy as.