This example shows how to set up a custom pay type for a non-taxable mileage reimbursing allowance.
Updated: October 2024
You provide a reimbursement allowance of $1.04 per kilometre travelled using their own vehicle for work purposes . Let's break down this example.
This allowance is:
❌ | A regular payment I can use system pre-loaded pay types for. |
✅ | I prefer using a custom pay type for clarity on the payslip or/and reporting and tracking purposes. |
✅ | *This is a non-taxable allowance, meaning added after the income tax calculation. |
For this reimbursement allowance to be non-taxable, it has to be reimbursed at the IRD rate.
*Anything over this rate would be taxable.
The custom pay type & timesheet should have the following:
✅ | Custom pay type created in the *non-taxable section |
✅ | Rate: 1.04 (current IRD rate a.t.o publication)| Per: unit |
✅ | Distance entered on timesheet as applicable |
Here is an example setup:
- Create this custom pay type with a recognisable name in the Employee Profile - Pay Types tab and SAVE.
- Select your recognisable pay type from the dropdown timesheet list.
- Enter the distance travelled for reimbursement on the applicable day.
- The timesheet summary displays all non-taxable allowances together as one combined figure.