Getting error messages can be frustrating. Luckily there are things you can do to get back on track. Let's look at options:
Updated: April 2024
In this article:
- 404 Not Found Error
- 403 Forbidden Error
- Challenge Attempts Exceeded Error
- Connection Not Private Error
I'm getting a '404 Not Found' error message.
The 404 error is probably the most recognisable error when using the internet. This error message simply means the address you are looking for leads nowhere. Think of it this way: The internet uses addresses, much like your local post office. But, unlike the post office where the postie will find you even if the address is a bit off or incomplete, the internet is very specific with addresses. Every letter, number, character and space must be exactly the same to connect to a specific address. You can see where things can go wrong. The address can't be found for different reasons. Some of the most common are:
- The URL (address) does not exist. You might have mistyped the address or have a space at the beginning or end.
- The place you are looking for has moved. You could be using an old address or link. Try going to the information from the website instead of your link. If you are trying to find a website, then do a search in a search engine such as Google to find the correct address.
- The site you are trying to reach might be down. This is usually temporary as there could be maintenance or something else happening. If not urgent, get a coffee and try again in 10 minutes.
What can I do to correct this?
Is your address correct? Use a browser to access the site, or use the site menu to access the information you are after.
Next question: Are you using the latest version of your browser e.g. Google? Updating your browser usually does the trick. If there are no updates, then try using another browser, e.g. Firefox.
- Clear your browser's cache. Your browser could be holding onto the old link stubbornly.
- Simply pressing the refresh button could work if this was a momentary glitch.
If you are trying to run a report or access something from IRD, their site could be interrupted momentarily. Try again later. If your Xero isn't connecting, here is a help guide to help you reestablish the connection.
Still not in? Please reach out to our Customer Support Team. We've got your back.
I'm getting a '403 Forbidden' error message.
To keep you secure our website must be able to identify who is trying to log in and where they are logging in from. Your IP address is a handshake that tells our site who you are. As part of this safety feature, our site will not allow someone to come in if they are using a way to conceal their identity. People using VPN or TOR which gives anonymous IP addresses will not be allowed to access our site, because we cannot confirm where they are coming from.
What can I do to correct this?
You can either turn off your VPN so our site can see who you are, or talk to your office IT person about getting a static IP address if possible.
Please contact our customer support team if you still can't log in so we can walk through a process with you.
I’m getting a ‘Challenge Attempts Exceeded’ error message
This is an interesting error that actually has nothing to do with how many times you’ve tried to sign in. Phew.
A ‘challenge’ is like a test web browsers do to find out if the browser trying to connect is operated by an actual human or a bot. Web browsers use Javascript to run this test in the background.
So, why am I seeing this error?
You could be using a hosted IP address that goes through data centres or office networks, obscuring the ‘handshake’. Your web browser could be out of date or your Javascript turned off, failing the challenge.
What can I do to correct this?
Try accessing the website through Chrome. Also, updating your browser could be a quick fix if the Javascript is out of date.
If this doesn’t work, it could be your VPN configuration or Javascript settings.
- Turn off your VPN if possible
- If you are on an office network, talk to your office IT person about checking the office VPN configuration or getting a static IP address, plus ask them to check the Javascript status of your browser. Javascript should be on by default.
Still not working? Please contact our Customer Support Team with the IP address you are currently trying to connect from. If you are using a VPN or hosted office network, this IP address can change each time you try to connect.
I'm getting the 'Your connection is not private' error message.
First of all, make sure you are accessing the internet from a private and secure network, like from your home, work or mobile data. Similar to bank sites, it is not advisable to use Thankyou Payroll on a public free wifi network.
Now that you know your network is private, let's see what else could be going on:
Websites use other third parties to verify that they are secure and trustworthy and to provide security certificates to this effect. Thankyou Payroll is secure.
When this message pops up, it is like the web browser missing the 'Safe Site' sign, much like you missing the 'push' sign on a door. The door still works the same, you just didn't see the sign. Our website is secure, the browser just didn't read the certificate.
This message can pop up when your web browser is out of date or doesn't use the third party Thankyou Payroll used to verify our security.
What can I do to correct this?
The easiest is to update your browser (the program you use to access the internet). You can also log in to Thankyou Payroll from a different browser e.g. if this message pops up on Safari, then try logging in with Google. Different browsers could use different third-party security certifications to verify websites as secure.