Changing Your Password

Update your password in just four easy steps.

Updated: March 2024

To keep your Thankyou Payroll account secure, it is a good idea to update your password at least every six months. Remember that a strong and long password will be more secure. Here's how to update this:

Step 1: The 'Forgot Password' Link

ForgotPassword On the Thankyou Payroll login page, click the 'Forgot your password?' link.

Step 2: Enter Username


Enter your username if you know it, or you can enter your email address. Both will work for resetting your password.

  • If you signed up using a third-party login (such as Google, Microsoft or Xero) and you have disabled this login feature, then enter the email address you use for that third-party account here.

Press 'Continue' to go to the next step.

Step 3: Enter the 6-Digit Code


Enter your 6-digit code in these boxes. The code is sent to the email address you entered. This is to confirm that the person requesting the password reset is the profile owner (you).

  • If your email address or username is not in the system, a message will tell you that you have entered an invalid username or email.
    • Please check the spelling and whether there are any spaces before or after your entry. Also, note that usernames are case-sensitive.
  •  If you did not receive the email with the code within 10 minutes, press the 'Send again' request (3a) to have another email generated for you. PLEASE do not press this request multiple times. This will only make logging in more difficult as only the latest code will be valid - and it is hard to know which code is the latest with multiple emails arriving in your inbox.

Step 4: Create a New Password


Create your new password.  Now you are ready to create a new password for your Thankyou Payroll log in. To make your profile as secure as possible, your password must meet certain requirements to be accepted. These requirements are shown and will turn green if you've met them. If you haven't met a requirement, that requirement will be red so you know how to adjust your password.

These requirements are:

  • use at least 8 characters (that is how long your password should be)
  • use at least 1 number
  • use at least 1 lowercase letter
  • use at least 1 uppercase letter (capital letter)
  • use at least 1 special character (these are things like ! | ? | $ | % | & | #)
  • lastly, your password must not be like your username. It has to be something different.

Info - Blue Block (1)If you use a password to log in to your account, two-factor authentication is enabled by default.

Further Resources

To find out more about creating a strong password, follow this link to the guide.